Carmen Amaya Tribute Flamenco Show, at Lope de Vega Theatre
In order to recreate a celebrity as depth as Carmen Amaya we need to make a tour around her roots, the memory of gipsy people and flamenco Barcelona. The first act starts with “Los Orígenes” where the original ballads are played with a toná, a debla and a martinete, all three of them gypsy cantes since Demófilo.
The seed of flamenco Barcelona was sowed during the migration of the Somorrostro district of Barcelona, a district for disadvantaged people. Those are the roots of the violent dry dance, febrile rhythm and vertiginous spins. They wanted to express their rejection to that injustice alongside with, as Manuel Torre said, the black sounds of flamenco Barcelona.
During the show, there are details and references to other artists, like Antonio The Dancer and the styling and the cubism of Vicente Escudero, who was present in la farruca de Gades. The dance language is too limited to cover the complexity and versatility of Carmen, still, its dimension allows three dancers to recreate three profiles of a same woman, a part of her memory and legend.
Coinciding with the 50 years anniversary since her dead in Begur (Girona) and 100 years since her birth, the show is presented at Lope de Vega theatre. The main characters of those three Carmen profiles are Pastora Galvan, one of the most renowned women of the flamenco Barcelona world; Karime Amaya, granddaughter-niece of Carmen Amaya and a great dancer; and Gema Moneo, the three of them approached the audience to the feeling, the art and the race of the woman considered the best dancer of Barcelona history.
The three of them will be accompanied by a luxury line up full of leading figures and soloists: José Maya, one of the best dancers of the moment; Enrique “El Extremeño”, Manuel Tañé, Cristian Guerrero and Juan Manzano “Coco”. Finally, David and Israel Cerreduela and La Tana as guest artist.
The Conselleria de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya included “Con Carmen Amaya en la Memoria” in the agend of the Comision “Año Carmen Amaya”.
Carmen, Carmen, Carmen
Lejanas Raíces
Los cantes primitivos: Romance, Toná, Debla y Martinete
Bulerías y Taranto de Carmen
Llanto por Carmen Amaya de León y Solano
Alegrías de Carmen
Carmen y su tiempo
Tiempo para el recuerdo (Carmen y Sabicas)
Garrotín y Jaleos Canasteros
Lazos flamencos de Andalucía
Por Fandangos
Granainas, Javeras, Verdiales, Naturales y de Huelva
Por Tangos
Triana, Granada, Málaga y Extremadura
And we end
Tres perfiles de mujer para un homenaje
Por Alegrías (Toda la Compañía)